Utilizing the Tall-Kneeling Position to Enhance Gluteal Activation
The functional (and, of course, aesthetic :) importance of the glutes is well-known.
Also well-known are the exercises that target them. Squats, step ups, deadlifts, hip thrusts, bridges, etc. Many people still struggle to activate these muscles, even with these exercises, because their hamstrings or lower backs are especially active, and tend to continue to dominate with those movements when they can. One solution is to find some exercises or positions that limit the contribution of those muscles.
One position that does so is the tall-kneeling position. By shortening the hamstrings, decreasing the stabilizing abilities of the ankle/foot complex, and elongating the quads, the glutes become major actors in simply staying upright. By performing core and upper-body exercises in this position we can wake the glutes up simply by forcing more practice.