Fun Athleticism for Young Children
September on the west coast layered another calamity on top of the coronavirus in the form of thousands (thousands?!) of fires and the associated smoke. Unable to venture outside for a few weeks, but also unable to go somewhere inside, my kids struggled to get the exercise they needed for mental and physical health and well-being. Determined to find some way to get them some activity, I created an ‘activity’ course in our basement, using the format designed by Greg Rose at the Titleist Performance Institute, which is a series of physical activities designed to replicate fundamental sport actions, performed for a few minutes each. I made a few modifications for my kids, who have no organized sports experience. Below are the general skills (with a few examples) I had in mind when choosing the activities:
Striking/Rotation -- hitting golf balls, T-ball batting practice, tennis ground stroke, hockey slap shot and cricket batting.
Agility -- hurdles, ladders, tag related games and obstacle courses.
Throwing/Rotation -- all overhand throwing activities. These include throwing a ball, throwing a foam javelin, bean bag tossing and foam football throws.
Balance -- balance beams, balance obstacle courses, foam discs and Swiss balls.
Kicking -- soccer ball kicks, punting and kick ball.
Push-Pull -- monkey bars, pull-up bars and push sleds, pushups
Catching -- tennis balls, 4 square balls, beanbags, koosh balls, Frisbees and footballs.
Jumping -- ladders, hurdles, plyo boxes, hop scotch, broad jump and bounding activities.
Locomotion -- skipping, hopping, sliding, sprinting, galloping, and karaoke.
Tumbling/Ground work -- Crawling, Rolling, scooting, shrimping, floor to stand transfers
Using the above framework, this is what I came up with with the tools we had on hand:
Hit Kali Sticks (striking)
Disc Weaves in and Out (agility)
Hurdle Jumps (Jumping)
Soccer Kick with dominant and non-dominant leg followed with Sprinting (kicking, locomotion)
Somersault (Tumbling)
Single Leg Balance on foam pad (Balance)
Square Jump
Chest Pass Wall (catching)
Target Ball Throw at Heavy Bag (throwing)
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